分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 18條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | 'Āre'āre OC Solomon Islands [alu] | para | small platform, mostly above the fireplace, used as a depository | 小平臺,主要在壁爐上方,用作儲藏室 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | Geerts 1970 | 1 | ||
Cheke Holo OC Solomon Islands [mrn] | fara | bamboo or wooden storage shelf, often located above a stone oven | 竹子或木制的儲藏架,通常位於石爐上方 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | White 1985 | 2 | |||
Kele OC Papua New Guinea [sbc] | pay | pay | 支付 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | 3 | ||||
Kwaio OC Solomon Islands [kwd] | bala | racks in house for drying wood, etc. | 室內晾木架等。 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | Keesing 1975 | 4 | |||
Levei OC Papua New Guinea [tlx] | pwa | shelf above the hearth for storing firewood, etc. | 壁爐上方存放木柴等的架子。 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | 5 | ||||
Loniu OC Papua New Guinea [los] | pay | smoking rack for fish and storage rack above the hearth | 熏魚架和壁爐上方的儲藏架 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | Blust n.d. (1975) | 6 | |||
Mailu OC Papua New Guinea [mgu] | wara | table for smoking fish | 煙熏魚桌 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | 7 | ||||
Motu OC Papua New Guinea [meu] | hara | platform of sticks on which meat is grilled; a gridiron | 烤肉用的棍子平臺;烤架 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | Lister-Turner and Clark 1930 | 8 | |||
Nali OC Papua New Guinea [nss] | pay | shelf above the hearth for storing firewood, etc. | 壁爐上方存放木柴等的架子。 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | Blust n.d. (1975) | 9 | |||
Nauna OC Papua New Guinea [ncn] | pay | shelf above the hearth for storing food, betel, etc., but not firewood | 壁爐上方的架子,用於儲存食物、檳榔等,但不用於木柴 | paRa, baRa [POC] | paRa₁ | Blust n.d. (1975) | 10 | |||
WMP | Makassarese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mak] | para-para | grill on which a cooking pot is set | 烤架上有一個烹飪鍋 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | Cense 1979 | 11 | ||
Malagasy WMP Madagascar [mlg] | fara-fara | bedstead; stone shelves in native tombs on which corpses are laid | 床架;土葬中放置屍體的石架 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | Richardson 1885 | 12 | |||
Malay WMP Malaysia (Peninsular) [zlm] | para-para | shelf or framework built over the fireplace as a receptacle for cooking-pots | 壁爐上方的架子或框架,用作炊具的容器 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | Wilkinson 1959 | 13 | |||
Maranao WMP Philippines [mrw] | paga-paga | attic-like garret | 閣樓式閣樓 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 14 | |||
Tae' WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [rob] | para-para | rack in a house where eating utensils are put | 放餐具的屋子裏的架子 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | van der Veen 1940 | 15 | |||
Toba Batak WMP Indonesia (Sumatra) [bbc] | para-para | wooden rack that in a Batak house runs from the door around the entire house | 巴塔克房子裏的木架從門一直延伸到整棟房子 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | Warneck 1977 | 16 | |||
Wolio WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [wlo] | paa-paa | small bay at the side of a house, used for storage | 房子旁邊的一個小隔間,用來存放東西 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | Anceaux 1987 | 17 | |||
CMP | Rembong CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [reb] | para-para | uppermost floor of a house | 房子最上層 | paRa paRa [PMP] | paRa₁ | Waru-Kia | Verheijen 1977a | 18 |