



  小地名受大一統文教、統治者的篡改少,反映當地民族、民系、原住民的文化特點和遷徙面貌。傳統的歷史地理,是帝王的地理,中國歷代統治者以征服者的姿態把政治地名強加給四方(定南、武平、開化、归绥、伏羌、寕化、永定 …),覆蓋了原住民的地名文化。「歷史語言學」的地理,是民本的地理,它研究傳統知識分子不屑的「俗的、土的」內容,重視人民語言和土著文化,對帝國文人的記錄保持警惕,是獨立於官史、研究真實人民史的方式。(臺灣地區數據暫缺待補)

A Query System of the Distribution of the Local Geographical Names in China

  This system enables a query of the distribution of the local geographical names in China. A scatter diagram map will be automatically generated once a geographical name is inputted (such as 厝、浜、峪、畈、舍、寮、垟、埭、崮、湧, etc.). We use the term Local Geographical Names to distinguish it from the Administrative Names. This database possesses a collection of 3.92 million geographical names of local villages in China (the real number might be 5 million; the geographical names of local village possess a very long history which is different from administrative village whose number might be 0.65 million nationwide). The geographical name of those local villages usually consists of 2-5 characters. A point referring to a certain village will be displayed on the map once a place name is inputted. Why using local names of the villages?Because they usually representing the linguistic features and migration hints of the native people, which are less manipulated by the rulers and less influenced by the official culture and education system. The geography of historical linguistics is a geography for people, which focus on the real historical change of mankind and is independent of the official history. The data of Taiwan district is temporary vacant for the time being.

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