分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 53條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Acehnese WMP Indonesia (Sumatra) [ace] | pu-blòë | sell | 賣 | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Kreemer 1931 | 1 | ||
Balinese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [ban] | beli-aŋ | be bought for someone | 為某人購買 | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Barber 1979 | 2 | |||
beli-n | was bought by | 是由 | beli-en [PWMP] | beli | Barber 1979 | 3 | ||||
Gorontalo WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [gor] | b-il-oli | debt | 債務 | b〈in〉eli [PWMP] | beli | Pateda 1977 | 4 | |||
Kayan WMP [bfg] | beli-n | purchase price, value of | 購買價格,價值 | beli-en [PWMP] | beli | Southwell 1980 | 5 | |||
Kelabit WMP Malaysia (Sarawak) [kzi] | b-i-lih | was bought by someone | 被某人買走了 | b〈in〉eli [PWMP] | beli | Blust n.d. (1971) | 6 | |||
pe-belih | trade with one another | 互相交易 | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Blust n.d. (1971) | 7 | ||||
Kenyah WMP [sib] | pe-beli | trade | 貿易 | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Galvin 1967 | 8 | |||
Makassarese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mak] | balli-aŋ | what can be bought, things that can be purchased; buy for, purchase for the benefit of (someone); purchase for a particular amount | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Cense 1979 | 9 | ||||
pa-balli | sell; buy something with something | 賣掉;用某物買某物 | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Cense 1979 | 10 | ||||
Nias WMP Indonesia (Sumatra) [nia] | fa-õli | to marry (of a man) | 結婚(指男人) | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Sundermann 1905 | 11 | |||
Old Javanese WMP | wely-an | that which one buys | 買的東西 | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Zoetmulder 1982 | 12 | |||
Sasak WMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [sas] | be-beli-an | what one has bought, purchases | 買了什麼,買了什麼 | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Goris 1938 | 13 | |||
Simalur WMP Indonesia (Sumatra) [smr] | feli-n | price, cost of something | 價格,成本 | beli-en [PWMP] | beli | Kähler 1961 | 14 | |||
Sundanese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [sun] | beuli-an | what one has bought | 買了什麼 | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Coolsma 1930 | 15 | |||
beuli-eun | what is for sale, what can be bought | 賣什麼,買什麼 | beli-en [PWMP] | beli | Coolsma 1930 | 16 | ||||
budak beli-an | a slave | 奴隸 | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Coolsma 1930 | 17 | ||||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | bilh-án | to buy (from someone) | (向某人)購買 | beli-an [PWMP] | beli | Panganiban 1966 | 18 | |||
bilh-ín | to buy (a thing) | 買(東西) | beli-en [PWMP] | beli | Panganiban 1966 | 19 | ||||
b-in-ilí | was bought by someone | 被某人買走了 | b〈in〉eli [PWMP] | beli | Panganiban 1966 | 20 | ||||
Toba Batak WMP Indonesia (Sumatra) [bbc] | pa-boli-han | exchange a woman to another lineage, marry a woman out | 把一個女人換成另一個血統,把一個女人嫁出去 | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Warneck 1977 | 21 | |||
OC | 'Āre'āre OC Solomon Islands [alu] | hori-a | buy, pay; reward | 購買、支付;獎勵 | poli-a [POC] | beli | Geerts 1970 | 22 | ||
hori-a keni | purchase a bride | 買新娘 | poli-a [POC] | beli | Geerts 1970 | 23 | ||||
Arosi OC Solomon Islands [aia] | haʔa-hori | expose for sale | 曝光出售 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Fox, C. 1970 | 24 | |||
hori | buy, sell, pay | 買,賣,付 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Fox, C. 1970 | 25 | ||||
Bugotu OC Solomon Islands [bgt] | voli | buy, sell, pay; price | 購買、出售、支付;價格 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Ivens 1940 | 26 | |||
Cheke Holo OC Solomon Islands [mrn] | foli | buy | 購買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | White 1985 | 27 | |||
voli | to buy | 購買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | White 1985 | 28 | ||||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | i voli | price, cost | 價格、成本 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Capell 1968 | 29 | |||
voli | buy, purchase | 買,買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Capell 1968 | 30 | ||||
voli-a | buy, purchase | 買,買 | poli-a [POC] | beli | Capell 1968 | 31 | ||||
voli-taka | sell, spend (money) | 賣,花(錢) | poli [PEMP] | beli | Capell 1968 | 32 | ||||
Hula OC | voi | to barter | 以物易物 | poli [PEMP] | beli | 33 | ||||
Keapara OC Papua New Guinea | voi-voi | to barter | 以物易物 | poli [PEMP] | beli | 34 | ||||
Kove OC Papua New Guinea [kvc] | oli | to buy | 購買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | 35 | ||||
Kwaio OC Solomon Islands [kwd] | foli | buy; sell; price | 買入;賣出;價格 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Keesing 1975 | 36 | |||
foli-sikwa | contribute shell valuables toward a bounty | 為賞金捐獻空殼貴重物品 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Keesing 1975 | 37 | ||||
Lau OC Solomon Islands [llu] | foli-a | buy, hire, pay wages | 買,租,付薪水 | poli-a [POC] | beli | Fox, C. 1974 | 38 | |||
foli-foli | buy, hire, pay wages | 買,租,付薪水 | poli poli [POC] | beli | Fox, C. 1974 | 39 | ||||
Mota OC Vanuatu [mtt] | wol | barter, buy or sell by exchange | 以物易物,交換買賣 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 40 | |||
wol ma | get by exchange, buy | 通過交換,購買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 41 | ||||
wol reag | barter away, sell; not properly of money passing | 以物易物,變賣 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 42 | ||||
Motu OC Papua New Guinea [meu] | hoi | buy, sell | 買賣 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Lister-Turner and Clark 1930 | 43 | |||
hoi-a | buy, sell | 買賣 | poli-a [POC] | beli | Lister-Turner and Clark 1930 | 44 | ||||
hoi-hoi | barter | 以貨換貨 | poli poli [POC] | beli | Lister-Turner and Clark 1930 | 45 | ||||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | voli | barter, buy and sell | 易貨,買賣 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Fox, C. 1955 | 46 | |||
voli-voli | barter, buy and sell | 易貨,買賣 | poli poli [POC] | beli | Fox, C. 1955 | 47 | ||||
Sa'a OC Solomon Islands [apb] | holi | barter, buy | 易貨,買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Ivens 1929 | 48 | |||
Tolo OC Solomon Islands [tlr] | voli-a | buy, purchase; pay | 購買,購買;支付 | poli-a [POC] | beli | 49 | ||||
Ulawa OC Solomon Islands [apb] | holi-holi-ŋa | a bought dependent | 被收買的家屬 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Ivens 1929 | 50 | |||
SHWNG | Serui-Laut SHWNG Indonesia (Papua) [seu] | wori | buy | 購買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | Anceaux 1961 | 51 | ||
Windesi SHWNG | bori | buy | 購買 | poli [PEMP] | beli | 52 | ||||
CMP | Tetun CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [tet] | ha-foli | to fix a price or value on anything to be purchased | 確定要購買的任何東西的價格或價值 | pa-beli [PMP] | beli | Morris 1984 | 53 |