分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 27條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
CMP | Bimanese CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [bhp] | rapu | closely spaced; nearby; jammed fast between two objects | 緊靠的;靠近的;夾在兩個物體之間的 | dapet [PMP] | Sahidu 1978 | 1 | |||
Lamaholot CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [slp] | dapeʔ | almost in contact; bump up against | 幾乎接觸;碰到 | dapet [PMP] | Pampus 1999 | 2 | ||||
Manggarai CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [mqy] | rapet | close together, closely spaced | 緊密相連,間隔緊密 | dapet [PMP] | Verheijen 1967-70 | 3 | ||||
Ngadha CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [nxg] | rapé | cover a roof | 蓋屋頂 | dapet [PMP] | Arndt 1961 | 4 | ||||
Rembong CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [reb] | rapet | pinched between two objects | 夾在兩個物體之間 | dapet [PMP] | Verheijen 1977a | 5 | ||||
WMP | Bontok WMP Philippines [bnc] | dapət | to place objects side by side, so that they are touching; to have the edges of two objects together; to meet | dapet [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 6 | ||||
ʔi-dapə́t | to place objects side by side, so that they are touching; to have the edges of two objects together | 並排放置物體,使其接觸;使兩個物體的邊緣在一起 | dapet [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 7 | |||||
Buginese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [bug] | rapeʔ | tightly bound | 緊密結合 | dapet [PMP] | Said 1977 | 8 | ||||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | dapét | to grapple, seize one another; marry (regional) | 互相抓住;結婚(地區性的) | dapet [PMP] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 9 | ||||
Javanese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [jav] | rapet | tightly closed up (as a corked bottle); placed closely together (bricks, boards, woven strips, etc.); closed tightly; keep a secret well | dapet [PMP] | Pigeaud 1938 | 10 | |||||
Kadazan Dusun WMP Malaysia (Sabah) [kzj] | dampot | to reach | 達到 | dapet [PMP] | Antonissen 1958 | 11 | ||||
Makassarese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mak] | rapaʔ | tightly spaced (as plaiting); joined closely or tightly; bound closely to something; close to the ground | dapet [PMP] | Cense 1979 | 12 | |||||
Malay WMP Malaysia (Peninsular) [zlm] | dapet | to be up against, to touch | 對抗,接觸 | dapet [PMP] | Jakarta | Wilkinson 1959 | 13 | |||
Mongondow WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mog] | dapot | come to or toward; arrive, reach; be fulfilled; bring in contact with, or bump against something; go toward a goal, to lay or set something on something else | dapet [PMP] | Dunnebier 1951 | 14 | |||||
Old Javanese WMP | a-ḍapət | closely joined, compact, thick (darkness) | 緊密連接,緊密,厚實(黑暗) | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 15 | ||||
aŋ-rapət | to take up positions (closely) side by side | 並排 | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 16 | |||||
ḍapət | being close together, closely joined | 緊密地結合在一起 | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 17 | |||||
rapət | (pressed) close together, tight, closed tight | (壓)緊密地、緊密地、緊密地 | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 18 | |||||
Palauan WMP Palau [pau] | mə-ráud | to close (a fishnet) | 關閉(魚網) | dapet [PMP] | McManus and Josephs 1977 | 19 | ||||
ráud | closing | 關閉 | dapet [PMP] | McManus and Josephs 1977 | 20 | |||||
Tae' WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [rob] | dapeʔ | to reach, be able to touch | 能夠接觸 | dapet [PMP] | van der Veen 1940 | 21 | ||||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | ka-lapít | person or place nearby, neighbor; nearby, neighboring | 附近的人或地方,鄰居;附近,鄰居 | dapet [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 22 | ||||
lapít | nearness, contiguity; proximity; closeness | 接近,接近;接近;接近 | dapet [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 23 | |||||
l〈um〉apít | to approach; to draw near; to come close | 接近;接近;接近 | dapet [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 24 | |||||
Tiruray WMP Philippines [tiy] | dafet | to share a single blanket | 共用一條毯子 | dapet [PMP] | Schlegel 1971, Reid p.c. | 25 | ||||
dafet | to share a single blanket | 共用一條毯子 | dapet [PMP] | Schlegel 1971, Reid p.c. | 26 | |||||
Tontemboan WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [tnt] | rapet | attached together, like the toes of birds with paddle-feet | 連在一起,像鳥的腳趾和槳狀的腳 | dapet [PMP] | Schwarz 1908 | 27 |