分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 23條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Anuta OC Solomon Islands [aud] | raka | to step over something | 跨過某物 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Feinberg 1977 | 1 | ||
Gedaged OC Papua New Guinea [gdd] | la | to go (away, about on foot, a horse, bicycle, vehicle, boat, etc.); to walk, depart, march (get, pack, move, start) off, take leave, get underway, set out; to continue, keep on (with any kind of action), to keep up or maintain any course or series of actions; to carry on | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Mager 1952 | 2 | ||||
Gitua OC Papua New Guinea [ggt] | la | go | 去 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Lincoln 1977 | 3 | |||
Maori OC New Zealand [mri] | whaka-raka | walk, step out | 走,出去 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Williams 1971 | 4 | |||
Mota OC Vanuatu [mtt] | laka | to kick up the heels, as in dancing; to dance | 踢起腳後跟,如跳舞;跳舞 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 5 | |||
Niue OC Niue [niu] | fe-laka | to step over a person or thing (formerly considered an insult or desecration) | 踐踏某人或事物(以前被認為是侮辱或褻瀆) | lakas [POC] | lakaj | McEwen 1970 | 6 | |||
laka | to step; to cross over | 跨過 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | McEwen 1970 | 7 | ||||
laka-aŋa | a step, pace | 一步、一步 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | McEwen 1970 | 8 | ||||
laka-fia | stepped over, exceeded | 跨過,超過 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | McEwen 1970 | 9 | ||||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | gaka | to step; to move, as to another district | 踏步;移動,如移到另一個地區 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Elbert 1975 | 10 | |||
Samoan OC Samoa [smo] | laʔa | step, march | 踏步,三月 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Milner 1966 | 11 | |||
laʔa-sia | step over, go beyond | 跨過去,跨過去 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Milner 1966 | 12 | ||||
Tongan OC Tonga [ton] | laka | to go or walk (esp. for a short distance only); to step; to march; to move on or forward, to proceed, progress, develop, or advance | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Churchward 1959 | 13 | ||||
laka hala | to step incorrectly, to be out of step | 走錯了步,走錯了步 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Churchward 1959 | 14 | ||||
Tuvaluan OC | laka | step | 步 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | 15 | ||||
la-laka | press down with foot (as when firming soil) | 用腳壓下(如土壤固化時) | lakas [POC] | lakaj | 16 | |||||
Wayan OC | laka | go, move along, proceed | 走,往前走,繼續 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 17 | |||
laka-ti | go to or over a place | 去一個地方或超過一個地方 | lakas [POC] | lakaj | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 18 | ||||
WMP | Maranao WMP Philippines [mrw] | lakas | rate of speed | 速度 | lakas [PMP] | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 19 | |||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | ka-lakas-án | vitality; strength; virility | 活力;力量;男子氣概 | lakas [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 20 | ||||
lakás | strength; vigor; force; power; might; loudness of volume; intensity of an attack of sickness or the like; brunt, the main force; vehemence; efficacy; hardiness; endurance; stamina; backbone; energy; power to work or act; fury; violence or strength, as of a storm | lakas [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 21 | ||||||
l〈um〉akás | to become stronger, increase in strength; to recuperate; to recover from sickness, exhaustion or loss; to swell (as the voice), to grow louder | lakas [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 22 | ||||||
ma-lakás | strong; physically strong; having much force, power, etc.; powerful; tough, hardy; hard; boisterous; violent; wild; rugged, sturdy; potent, strong; forceful, vigorous; hearty, strong and well; loud, not quiet or soft; making a great sound | lakas [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 23 |