分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 8條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Bontok WMP Philippines [bnc] | ʔalipugpúg | to do something with exaggerated motions, as walking; to shake; to convulse | 用誇張的動作做某事,如走路;搖晃;抽搐 | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 1 | |||
Ibatan WMP | alipogpog | whirlwind | 龍捲風 | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Maree and Tomas 2012 | 2 | ||||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | ag-alipugpóg | to have a whirlwind | 龍捲風 | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 3 | ||||
alipugpóg | whirlwind | 龍捲風 | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 4 | |||||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | alipugpúg | whirlwind, eddy of air (it announces the presence of the spirit of the same name) | 龍捲風,空氣的漩渦(它宣告了同名靈魂的存在) | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 5 | ||||
Itbayaten WMP Philippines [ivv] | alipogpog | whirlwind | 龍捲風 | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Yamada 1976 | 6 | ||||
Ivatan WMP Philippines [ivv] | adipogpog | whirlwind | 龍捲風 | qali-pugpug [PPH] | 7 | |||||
Yami WMP Taiwan [tao] | alipogpog a pagpag | whirlwind (Tsuchida, Yamada and Moriguchi 1987) | 龍捲風(Tsuchida、Yamada和Moriguchi1987) | qali-pugpug [PPH] | Rau, Dong, et al. 2012, Tsuchida 1987 | 8 |