分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 15條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Aklanon WMP Philippines [akl] | kurót | to pinch | 捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Zorc 1969 | 1 | ||
saŋ-kurót | little, few, a little bit, just a little | 一點點,一點點,一點點 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Zorc 1969 | 2 | ||||
Bikol WMP Philippines [bik] | kudót | a pinch with the nails | 用釘子捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 3 | |||
Binukid WMP Philippines [bkd] | kurut | to pinch someone or something | 掐某人或某事 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Post and Gardner 1992 | 4 | |||
Casiguran Dumagat WMP Philippines [dgc] | kədut | to pinch someone; to tear a small piece of tobacco off a tobacco leaf for a betel nut chew | 掐某人;從煙葉上撕下一小塊煙草作檳榔嚼 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Headland and Headland 1974 | 5 | |||
Cebuano WMP Philippines [ceb] | kurút ~ kúrut | to pinch, squeeze hard using the thumb and the sides of the bent forefingers | 用拇指和彎曲的食指兩側用力擠壓 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Wolff 1972 | 6 | |||
Ida'an Begak WMP Malaysia (Sabah) [dbj] | kədtut | to pinch | 捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | 7 | ||||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | Kindutān | a spirit who pinches his victim and causes those parts of his body to swell | 一種捏住受害者並使其身體的這些部位膨脹的靈魂 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 8 | |||
Itawis WMP Philippines [itv] | mak-kaddút | to pinch | 捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Tharp and Natividad 1976 | 9 | |||
Itbayaten WMP Philippines [ivv] | akdot | pinch | 捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Yamada 1976 | 10 | |||
akdot-en | to pinch, to press and/or twist between nails of forefinger and thumb; to squeeze | 在食指和拇指的指甲之間擠壓和/或扭動;擠壓 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Yamada 1976 | 11 | ||||
Kadazan Dusun WMP Malaysia (Sabah) [kzj] | kodut | to pinch, nip | 捏,捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Antonissen 1958 | 12 | |||
Maranao WMP Philippines [mrw] | kedot | to pinch | 捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 13 | |||
Singhi Land Dayak WMP Malaysia (Sarawak) [sne] | kujet | to pinch | 捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Reijffert 1956 | 14 | |||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | kurót | a pinch; a squeeze between the thumb and the forefinger | 捏;拇指和食指之間的捏 | kezut₂ [PWMP] | kezut | Panganiban 1966 | 15 |