分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 13條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
CMP | Asilulu CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [asl] | hiak | cut wood (for kindling) | 砍柴(火種用) | biqak [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 1 | |||
Bimanese CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [bhp] | ɓiʔa | split in two; split apart | 一分為二 | biqak [PMP] | Sahidu 1978 | 2 | ||||
Fordata CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [frd] | viak | split in two; tear, rend | 一分為二 | biqak [PMP] | Drabbe 1932 | 3 | ||||
Manggarai CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [mqy] | wiʔak | open a way, open a path (as through a crowd); opened widely, of the mouth of someone about to cry or shout | biqak [PMP] | Verheijen 1967-70 | 4 | |||||
Ngadha CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [nxg] | biʔa | break, burst, split | 破裂,破裂,分裂 | biqak [PMP] | Arndt 1961 | 5 | ||||
ɓiʔa | to split (as a bamboo) | 劈開(如竹子) | biqak [PMP] | Arndt 1961 | 6 | |||||
Rembong CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [reb] | wiʔak | to split (fish, bamboo) with the hand | 用手劈開(魚、竹子) | biqak [PMP] | Verheijen 1977a | 7 | ||||
Rotinese CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [bpz] | bia | split, cleave (as a piece of wood into two); cut or chop into pieces | 劈開;劈開 | biqak [PMP] | Jonker 1908 | 8 | ||||
bia-k | pieces of cut meat, chunks of fish flesh | 肉塊,魚肉塊 | biqak [PMP] | Jonker 1908 | 9 | |||||
WMP | Binukid WMP Philippines [bkd] | biak | split wood along the grain (as for firewood) | 劈開木柴(如劈柴) | biqak [PMP] | Post and Gardner 1992 | 10 | |||
Javanese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [jav] | byak | suddenly opening or parting (as a door, clouds to let the moon shine through) | 突然打開或分開(如門,雲讓月亮照進來) | biqak [PMP] | Pigeaud 1938 | 11 | ||||
Kadazan Dusun WMP Malaysia (Sabah) [kzj] | viak | split by itself (of long things) | (長事物的)分裂 | biqak [PMP] | Antonissen 1958 | 12 | ||||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | biyák | cleaved, halved | 劈開,一半 | biqak [PMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 13 |