分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 58條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Aklanon WMP Philippines [akl] | tápa | dried meat | 幹肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Zorc 1969 | 1 | ||
tapá(h) | to dry out | 乾涸 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Zorc 1969 | 2 | ||||
tapah-án | drying rack | 乾燥架 | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Zorc 1969 | 3 | ||||
Banggai WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [bgz] | man-tapa | place something on a (drying) rack | 把東西放在(乾燥的)架子上 | man-tapa [PWMP] | Capa | Bergh 1953 | 4 | |||
tapa-an | rack on which something is dried | 晾乾東西的架子 | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Bergh 1953 | 5 | ||||
Bare'e WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [pmf] | masapi nda-tapa | smoked eel | 熏鰻魚 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Adriani 1928 | 6 | |||
mon-tapa | hang up to smoke, of meat, salt, etc. so as to prevent it from spoiling | 把煙、肉、鹽等掛起來以免變質 | man-tapa [PWMP] | Capa | Adriani 1928 | 7 | ||||
Bikol WMP Philippines [bik] | mag-tápa | to cut thin for the purpose of smoking; to smoke (beef, fish) | 為了吸煙而切成薄片;吸煙(牛肉、魚) | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 8 | |||
tápa | smoked beef | 熏牛肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 9 | ||||
tapa-an | smokehouse | 煙館 | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 10 | ||||
t-in-apá | smoked fish | 熏魚 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 11 | ||||
Binukid WMP Philippines [bkd] | t-in-apa | fish packed in a small cylindrical can; sardines | 沙丁魚裝在一個小的圓柱形罐頭裏的魚;沙丁魚 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Post and Gardner 1992 | 12 | |||
Buginese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [bug] | tapa | slow roasting, as of fish over a fire | 緩慢烘烤,如魚在火上烘烤 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Said 1977 | 13 | |||
Casiguran Dumagat WMP Philippines [dgc] | tápa | dried meat; to dry meat in the sun | 幹肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Headland and Headland 1974 | 14 | |||
Cebuano WMP Philippines [ceb] | tapá | to smoke fish; broil fish not close to the embers; kiln-dry copra | 熏魚;烤魚不靠近餘燼;窯幹椰子 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Wolff 1972 | 15 | |||
tápa | make jerked meat | 做肉幹 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Wolff 1972 | 16 | ||||
tapah-án | copra kiln-drier; grate for broiling | 科普拉窯烘乾機 | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Wolff 1972 | 17 | ||||
t-in-ápa | jerked meat; canned fish | 魚幹罐頭 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Wolff 1972 | 18 | ||||
Gorontalo WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [gor] | mo-lapo | to smoke something over a fire | 在火上吸煙 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Pateda 1977 | 19 | |||
tapo | to smoke something over a fire | 在火上吸煙 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Pateda 1977 | 20 | ||||
tapoː-lo | be smoked by someone, as copra | 被某人吸食,如科普拉 | tapa-en [PPH] | Capa | Pateda 1977 | 21 | ||||
to-tapo-wa | place where something is smoked | 吸煙的地方 | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Pateda 1977 | 22 | ||||
Hanunóo WMP Philippines [hnn] | tapá | smoked fish | 熏魚 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Conklin 1953, Reid p.c. | 23 | |||
Ifugaw WMP Philippines [ifu] | tapa | for someone to smoke meat over a fire (as beef, catfish, venison, eel, frog, mudfish) | 有人在火上吸煙(如牛肉、鯰魚、鹿肉、鰻魚、青蛙、泥鰍) | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Batad | Lambrecht 1978 | 24 | ||
tapá | meat or fish which has been laid to dry in the sun, or held over the fire | 在太陽下曬乾或放在火上的肉或魚 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Lambrecht 1978 | 25 | ||||
t-in-apa | smoked meat | 熏肉 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Batad | Lambrecht 1978 | 26 | |||
t-in-apá | meat or fish which is already dry | 已經幹了的肉或魚 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Lambrecht 1978 | 27 | ||||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | tápa | thin slices of meat, salted, occasionally dipped in vinegar, and dried in the sun | 薄片肉,醃制,偶爾蘸醋,曬乾 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 28 | |||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | tápa | to dry (venison) over the fire | 烤幹(鹿肉) | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 29 | |||
tap-ān | to dry venison over the fire | 在火上烤鹿肉 | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 30 | ||||
Itawis WMP Philippines [itv] | tápa | dried meat | 幹肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Tharp and Natividad 1976 | 31 | |||
Itbayaten WMP Philippines [ivv] | man-taapa | make jerky | 使肉幹 | man-tapa [PWMP] | Capa | Yamada 1976 | 32 | |||
taapa-en | make jerky, make into jerky | 變幹,變幹 | tapa-en [PPH] | Capa | Yamada 1976 | 33 | ||||
tapa | jerky | 愚蠢的 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Yamada 1976 | 34 | ||||
Kankanaey WMP Philippines [kne] | tapa-án | an arrangement consisting of canes of bamboo grass interwoven with rattan; used to store up #palay, etc.; it covers the hearth and the #sóba, below the ceiling | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | Vanoverbergh 1933 | 35 | ||||
Malay WMP Malaysia (Peninsular) [zlm] | dagiŋ tapa-tapa | meat treated in the same way | 用同樣方法處理的肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Wilkinson 1959 | 36 | |||
tapa-tapa | pieces of fish sliced very thin, spiced, salted and dried in the sun | 切成薄片、加香料、醃制、曬乾的魚塊 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Wilkinson 1959 | 37 | ||||
te-tapa | thin slices of pineapple treated with sugar | 糖漬鳳梨薄片 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Wilkinson 1959 | 38 | ||||
Mandar WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mdr] | tapa | to roast, to dry, as copra over a fire | 烤,幹,像火上的椰子 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Muthalib 1977 | 39 | |||
Mansaka WMP Philippines [msk] | tapa | to roast (as fish) | 烤(如魚) | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Svelmoe and Svelmoe 1990 | 40 | |||
Maranao WMP Philippines [mrw] | tapa | dry by smoking | 吸煙曬乾 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 41 | |||
t-in-apa | anchovies; any food preserved by smoking | 鳳尾魚;任何通過吸煙保存的食物 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 42 | ||||
Pangasinan WMP Philippines [pag] | t-in-apá | smoked fish | 熏魚 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Benton 1971 | 43 | |||
Sangir WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [sxn] | kinaʔ t-in-apa | smoked meat, smoked fish | 熏肉,熏魚 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Steller and Aebersold 1959 | 44 | |||
tapa | to smoke, prepare by smoking | 吸煙,準備吸煙 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Steller and Aebersold 1959 | 45 | ||||
Tae' WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [rob] | man-tapa | dry something over a fire | 用火把東西擦幹 | man-tapa [PWMP] | Capa | van der Veen 1940 | 46 | |||
tapa-i | hang up to smoke, leave to dry over a fire, of meat, fish, paddy | 掛起來抽煙,在火上晾乾,肉,魚,稻穀 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | van der Veen 1940 | 47 | ||||
tapa-n | place where anything is dried over a fire, in particular the rack over the hearth where the firewood is stored | tapa-an [PWMP] | Capa | van der Veen 1940 | 48 | |||||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | tápa | jerked beef or pork | 牛肉幹或豬肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Panganiban 1966 | 49 | |||
tapá | smoked, exposed to smoke | 吸煙,暴露在煙霧中 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Panganiban 1966 | 50 | ||||
t-in-apá | smoked, exposed to smoke; exposed to embers; smoked fish | 薰制的,暴露於煙霧中的;暴露於餘燼中的;熏魚 | t〈in〉apa [PMP] | Capa | Panganiban 1966 | 51 | ||||
Tiruray WMP Philippines [tiy] | tofo | cook fish or meat over a very smoky fire; dry something over a fire | 在煙熏的火上煮魚或肉;在火上烤東西 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Schlegel 1971, Reid p.c. | 52 | |||
Uma WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [ppk] | -tapa | dry by a fire | 被火曬乾 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Esser 1964 | 53 | |||
Wolio WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [wlo] | tapa-i | to smoke (fish, etc.) | 吸煙(魚等) | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Anceaux 1987 | 54 | |||
CMP | Manggarai CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [mqy] | tapa | burn, roast | 燒,烤 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Verheijen 1967-70 | 55 | ||
Rembong CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [reb] | tapa | to roast (a pig), to burn (a field) | 烤(豬),燒(田) | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Verheijen 1977a | 56 | |||
Soboyo CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [tiv] | tapa | smoking of meat and fish | 煙熏魚肉 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Fortgens 1921 | 57 | |||
Form. | Puyuma Form. Taiwan [pyu] | T-in-apa | what is grilled or roasted; smoked millet (used against hemorrhages for women in childbirth) | 烤的或烤的;熏穀子(用於婦女分娩時防止出血) | C〈in〉apa [PAN] | Capa | Cauquelin 1991 | 58 |