分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 15條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Amblong OC | tur | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Tryon 1976 | 1 | ||
Arosi OC Solomon Islands [aia] | u | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Fox, C. 1970 | 2 | |||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | tū | to stand, to be in a place (of people: #toka of things) | 站在(人的)地方,站在(事物的)托卡 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Capell 1968 | 3 | |||
Hawaiian OC United States [haw] | kū | to stand, stop, halt, anchor, moor... | 站,停,停,錨,沼地。。。 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Pukui and Elbert 1971 | 4 | |||
Hiw OC Vanuatu [hiw] | tu | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | 5 | ||||
Lengo OC | tu | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | 6 | ||||
Merig OC | tur | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | 7 | ||||
Nehan OC Papua New Guinea [nsn] | tur | stand (implies stopping a previous movement such as walking or jumping) | 站立(意味著停止先前的動作,如行走或跳躍) | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | 8 | ||||
Niue OC Niue [niu] | tū | to stand; to stand up against (in opposition); to appear | 站起來;抵抗(反對);出現 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | McEwen 1970 | 9 | |||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | haka-tuʔu | to raise, lift up, elevate | 舉起,舉起,舉起 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Elbert 1975 | 10 | |||
tuʔu | to stand, go, come, arrive, start, stop, represent (as in the Council), land (as a canoe), set (as a net), alight (as a bird), hit (as an arrow) | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Elbert 1975 | 11 | |||||
Roviana OC Solomon Islands [rug] | turu | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Waterhouse 1949 | 12 | |||
Samoan OC Samoa [smo] | tū | to stand, stand up, stand erect; be stationary; (of bird) alight, settle | 站起來,站起來,站起來;站穩;(指鳥)落下來,停下來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Milner 1966 | 13 | |||
Tigak OC Papua New Guinea [tgc] | tuk | to stand | 站起來 | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Beaumont 1979 | 14 | |||
Tongan OC Tonga [ton] | tuʔu | to stand; come to a standstill; to stop; to be, to be situated; to be in existence; to have been set up or established; to arise, spring up, come into existence | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | Churchward 1959 | 15 |