分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 23條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Arosi OC Solomon Islands [aia] | uha | a species of creeper | 一種爬行動物 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Fox, C. 1970 | 1 | ||
Bali (Uneapa) OC Papua New Guinea [bbn] | tuva | plant with root that is pounded and mixed with water to stun fish: Derris elliptica | 用根搗碎並與水混合使魚昏迷的植物:■ | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Ross n.d. b., Anastasia Vuluku Kaue from Makiri village, courtesy of Hiroko Sato | 2 | |||
Bugotu OC Solomon Islands [bgt] | tuva | a creeper used for poisoning fish; to poison fish | 用來毒死魚的爬行動物;用來毒死魚 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Ivens 1940 | 3 | |||
Chuukese OC Micronesia [chk] | wúp | to fish with fish poison | 用魚毒釣魚 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Goodenough and Sugita 1980 | 4 | |||
wúúp | a vine, Derris elliptica; its roots and stems are used for fish poison, and the long vine is used as a rope to haul logs | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Goodenough and Sugita 1980 | 5 | |||||
Ere OC Papua New Guinea [twp] | tuh | vine (generic) | 藤蔓植物(普通) | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | 6 | ||||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | duva | two plants: (1) Couthovia corynocarpa, Loganiaceae, and (2) a plant used for poisoning fish, Derris trifoliate, Leguminoseae; to poison fish | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Capell 1968 | 7 | ||||
Kilivila OC Papua New Guinea [kij] | tuva | poisonous root used for fishing | 釣魚用毒根 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Senft 1986 | 8 | |||
Lakalai OC Papua New Guinea [nak] | la-tuva | a vine (Cassytha filiformis) | 藤蔓植物 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | 9 | ||||
Lusi OC Papua New Guinea [khl] | tuva | fish poison | 魚毒 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | 10 | ||||
Molima OC Papua New Guinea [mox] | tuva | Derris | 德裏斯 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Chowning n.d. b | 11 | |||
tuva-i | to use Derris to poison fish | 用德瑞毒魚 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Chowning n.d. b | 12 | ||||
Motu OC Papua New Guinea [meu] | tuha | the dynamite plant, the leaves and roots of which are used to stupefy fish (Derris uliginosa) | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Lister-Turner and Clark 1930 | 13 | ||||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | tuva | a species of plant used for poisoning fish | 一種用來毒死魚的植物 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Fox, C. 1955 | 14 | |||
Rotuman OC Rotuman [rtm] | fuha | a creeper whose stems and leaves are used for stupefying fish ... Another kind of creeper, said to have been brought from New Guinea and known as #fuah ne Niu Kini, is used for the same purpose with better results; another fish poison is made from the fruit of the #hufu (Barringtonia) tree | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Churchward 1940 | 15 | ||||
Sa'a OC Solomon Islands [apb] | uhe | a strong ground creeper used in tying, with bitter juice; scraped and used to poison fish | 一種結實的匍匐莖,用於捆綁,帶有苦味的汁液;被刮去用來毒死魚 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Ivens 1929 | 16 | |||
Tolai OC | tuva ~ tua | species of vine | 藤本植物種類 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | 17 | ||||
Tubetube OC Papua New Guinea [tte] | tuva | poison vine used to kill fish | 用來殺魚的毒藤蔓 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | 18 | ||||
Ulawa OC Solomon Islands [apb] | uha | a strong ground creeper used in tying; used in the incantations as a metaphor for magical power | 一種結實的地爬植物,用於系結;在咒語中用作魔法的比喻 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Ivens 1929 | 19 | |||
Wayan OC | tu-tuva | to poison fish, go fish-poisoning | 下毒,下毒 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 20 | |||
tuva | vine (#wā) taxon: generic: includes species of Derris (Leguminoseae), scrambling or climbing plants with pinnate leaves, which are crushed and used to poison reef fish | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 21 | |||||
tuva-ni | poison something with Derris juice | 用果汁給東西下毒 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 22 | ||||
Wedau OC Papua New Guinea [wed] | tuva | creeper whose roots are used in killing fish; dynamite | 根用於殺魚的匍匐植物;炸藥 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Capell 1943 | 23 |