分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 43條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Anuta OC Solomon Islands [aud] | tio | to look | 看 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Feinberg 1977 | 1 | ||
'Āre'āre OC Solomon Islands [alu] | iro | look for, collect | 尋找,收集 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Geerts 1970 | 2 | |||
Arosi OC Solomon Islands [aia] | iro | to look; to stare | 注視 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1970 | 3 | |||
iro-hi | look into, look for; stare at, gaze into | 注視,注視 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1970 | 4 | ||||
iro-ŋ-aʔi | gaze at | 凝視 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1970 | 5 | ||||
Bugotu OC Solomon Islands [bgt] | tiro | to look; a pool, window glass, mirror | 看;游泳池、窗玻璃、鏡子 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Ivens 1940 | 6 | |||
Cheke Holo OC Solomon Islands [mrn] | thiro | glass; mirror | 玻璃;鏡子 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | White 1985 | 7 | |||
thiro thata | eyeglasses | 眼鏡 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | White 1985 | 8 | ||||
tiro | view, look out at or down upon, as looking out over a vista | 俯視 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | White 1985 | 9 | ||||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | tiro | to look at something reflected in water or a glass; to peep furtively; admire oneself | 看倒映在水或玻璃杯上的東西;偷偷地窺視;自我欣賞 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Capell 1968 | 10 | |||
Gitua OC Papua New Guinea [ggt] | tiro | to look for (unsuccessfully) | 尋找(失敗) | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Lincoln 1977 | 11 | |||
Hawaiian OC United States [haw] | kilo | stargazer, reader of omens, seer, astrologer, necromancer; kind of looking glass (rare); to watch closely, spy, examine, look around, observe, forecast. | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Pukui and Elbert 1971 | 12 | ||||
Kwaio OC Solomon Islands [kwd] | ilo | look at | 看看 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Keesing 1975 | 13 | |||
ilo-nunu | a reflecting pool or mirror | 反光池或鏡子 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Keesing 1975 | 14 | ||||
Lau OC Solomon Islands [llu] | iro | to look at fixedly, look for | 凝望 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1974 | 15 | |||
iro-fi(a) | look for, spy out | 找,探員出去 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1974 | 16 | ||||
iro-iro | a translucent pool, still and clear; looking glass | 透明的池子,平靜而清澈;鏡子 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1974 | 17 | ||||
Maori OC New Zealand [mri] | tiro | to look; to survey, view; look into, examine | 觀察 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Williams 1971 | 18 | |||
Mokilese OC Micronesia [mkj] | iro-ŋ | to peer at | 窺視 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Harrison and Albert 1977 | 19 | |||
Mono-Alu OC Solomon Islands [mte] | tilo | watch for, look out for | 小心,小心 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Wheeler 1926 | 20 | |||
Mota OC Vanuatu [mtt] | tiro | clear | 清楚的 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 21 | |||
tiro | clear | 清楚的 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 22 | ||||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | tiro | to gaze; glass; a looking glass; pupil of the eye | 凝視;玻璃;鏡子;瞳孔 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Fox, C. 1955 | 23 | |||
Niue OC Niue [niu] | tio | to glance | 一瞥 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | McEwen 1970 | 24 | |||
Nukuoro OC Micronesia [nkr] | dilo | look at (inspect) | 看(檢查) | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Carroll and Soulik 1973 | 25 | |||
Pohnpeian OC Micronesia [pon] | iro-ir | to look or peer in the distance; to see one’s own reflection; to inspect one’s own appearance; positioned to have a beautiful view | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Rehg and Sohl 1979 | 26 | ||||
Puluwat OC Micronesia [puw] | yiŕo- ŋiy | to look for, at | 尋找 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Elbert 1972 | 27 | |||
Rarotongan OC Cook Islands [rar] | tiro | look; to view, to survey | 看;看 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Savage 1980 | 28 | |||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | tigo | to see | 看 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Elbert 1975 | 29 | |||
Roviana OC Solomon Islands [rug] | tiro | to read | 閱讀 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Waterhouse 1949 | 30 | |||
tiro-ana | a mirror or looking glass | 鏡子或鏡子 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Waterhouse 1949 | 31 | ||||
Sa'a OC Solomon Islands [apb] | iro | to look for, to collect | 尋找,收集 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Ivens 1929 | 32 | |||
iro-hi | to cause a person to be ill, of the action of a ghost | 使一個人生病,使一個鬼的行為 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Ivens 1929 | 33 | ||||
Samoan OC Samoa [smo] | tilo | ray or beam of light (e.g. coming through a chink in a coconut-leaf venetian blind) | 光線或光束(例如,穿過椰葉百葉窗的縫隙) | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Milner 1966 | 34 | |||
Tolai OC | tiro-ā | mirror, looking-glass; originally applied to a pool on the surface of which a scum was created with the leaves of the #kadaka-dolo, used as a mirror; spectacles, glasses; window, any clear glass; to use a mirror | tiro [POC] | tindaw | 35 | |||||
Tongan OC Tonga [ton] | sio | to look, look at, or see | 看,看,看 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Churchward 1959 | 36 | |||
sio ofi | short-sighted (#ofi = ‘near’) | 短視 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Churchward 1959 | 37 | ||||
sio-ʔi | to peer at, to look at in a critical or offensive way | 以責備或冒犯的眼光看 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Churchward 1959 | 38 | ||||
Toqabaqita OC Solomon Islands [mlu] | iro | look for someone or something, search for someone or something | 尋找某人或某物,尋找某人或某物 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | 39 | ||||
iro-a | look for, search for | 尋找,尋找 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | 40 | |||||
iro-nunu | mirror | 鏡子 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | 41 | |||||
Wayan OC | tiro | look down, lower the eyes | 低下頭,低下頭 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 42 | |||
tiro-vi | look down at something | 低頭看東西 | tiro [POC] | tindaw | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 43 |