分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 11條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Anuta OC Solomon Islands [aud] | tika | a type of dart made from a reed shaft about four feet long, and tipped with a heavy hardwood head; a type of contest in which men compete to see how far they can throw their tika darts before they come to rest | tika [POC] | Feinberg 1977 | 1 | ||||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | tiŋga | to throw a stick horizontally from the end of the forefinger; to throw the #tiqa in the game of #veitiqa | tika [POC] | Capell 1968 | 2 | |||||
Mota OC Vanuatu [mtt] | tika | to glance off; the game, played with reeds which glance off the ground; the reed used in the game | 掃視;用蘆葦從地上掃視的遊戲;遊戲中使用的蘆葦 | tika [POC] | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 3 | ||||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | tika | a game played with reeds made to glance off the ground | 用蘆葦做的用來掃視地面的遊戲 | tika [POC] | Fox, C. 1955 | 4 | ||||
Niue OC Niue [niu] | tika | dart with smooth hardwood head (used in the game of #tā-tika) | 光滑硬木頭飛鏢(用於#tā-tika遊戲) | tika [POC] | McEwen 1970 | 5 | ||||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | tika | dart, spear; the ancient and obsolete sport of casting darts; to cast, as a spear | 標槍,矛;古代和過時的投擲標槍的運動;象標槍一樣投擲 | tika [POC] | Elbert 1975 | 6 | ||||
Samoan OC Samoa [smo] | tiʔa | slender rod (dart) used in the game of darts | 飛鏢遊戲中使用的細長杆(飛鏢) | tika [POC] | Milner 1966 | 7 | ||||
Tongan OC Tonga [ton] | sika | dart; to throw darts | 擲飛鏢 | tika [POC] | Churchward 1959 | 8 | ||||
Tuvaluan OC | tika | a dart; a dart game; throw a dart | 飛鏢;飛鏢遊戲;投擲飛鏢 | tika [POC] | 9 | |||||
Wayan OC | tiŋge | throw a reed or dart horizontally controlled by the end of the forefinger, with the aim of making the dart skip up when it hits the ground | tika [POC] | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 10 | |||||
vī-tiŋge | game of throwing reed darts; to play this game | 擲蘆葦飛鏢的遊戲;玩這個遊戲 | tika [POC] | Pawley and Sayaba 2003 | 11 |