分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 16條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Balinese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [ban] | tepak | the flat of the hand or the flank; to hit with the flat of the hand (e.g. a drum) | 手的扁平或側面;用手的扁平擊打(如鼓) | tepak₁ [PMP] | Barber 1979 | 1 | |||
Banjarese WMP Indonesia (Kalimantan) [bjn] | ma-napak | to slap | 打 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Hapip 1977 | 2 | ||||
tapak | slap, blow with the open hand | 拍打,用張開的手吹 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Hapip 1977 | 3 | |||||
Bikol WMP Philippines [bik] | mag-tapák | to hit, strike or slap the face or body with force using the open hand | 用張開的手用力打、打或拍打臉或身體 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 4 | ||||
Javanese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [jav] | tepak | fly swatter | 蒼蠅拍 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Pigeaud 1938 | 5 | ||||
Madurese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [mad] | tempak | to stamp, kick | 踩,踢 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Safioedin 1977 | 6 | ||||
Malagasy WMP Madagascar [mlg] | téfaka | clapping the hands, applause by clapping of the hands | 拍手,鼓掌 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Richardson 1885 | 7 | ||||
Malay WMP Malaysia (Peninsular) [zlm] | təpak | pat, slight slap | 輕拍,輕拍 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Wilkinson 1959 | 8 | ||||
Old Javanese WMP | a-nəpak | to hit with the (flat) hand, smack; to hit (stamp) with the foot | 拍打用(平的)手拍打;用腳拍打 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 9 | ||||
a-təpak jaja | to beat one’s breast | 捶胸頓足 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 10 | |||||
təpak | blow of the (flat) hand, smack | 擊打(扁)手 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 11 | |||||
təpak-an | to accompany with rhythmic beating (clapping?) of the hands | 伴隨有節奏的拍打(鼓掌?)手的 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 12 | |||||
Sasak WMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [sas] | təpak | strike with the flat of the hand (as a table top) | 用平的手敲擊(如案頭) | tepak₁ [PMP] | Goris 1938 | 13 | ||||
CMP | Bimanese CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [bhp] | topa | to slap | 打 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Sahidu 1978 | 14 | |||
Lamaholot CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [slp] | təpak | hit with the open hand, slap; clap on the ears | 用張開的手拍打;拍打耳朵 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Pampus 1999 | 15 | ||||
təpak | to slap | 打 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Pampus 1999 | 16 |