分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 47條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Anejom OC | n-umw | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Lynch 2001a | 1 | |||
'Āre'āre OC Solomon Islands [alu] | ūmu | stone oven | 石爐 | qumun [PMP] | Geerts 1970 | 2 | ||||
Arosi OC Solomon Islands [aia] | umu | round earth oven with loose stones on top | 圓形土爐,頂部有鬆動的石頭 | qumun [PMP] | Fox, C. 1970 | 3 | ||||
Aua OC Papua New Guinea [wuv] | unum-ia | cook it! roast it! (imper.) | 煮吧!烤吧!(帝國) | qumun [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 4 | ||||
Bali (Uneapa) OC Papua New Guinea [bbn] | ghumuŋu | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Ross n.d. b., Anastasia Vuluku Kaue from Makiri village, courtesy of Hiroko Sato | 5 | ||||
Central Maewo OC anuatu [mwo] | umu | oven | 烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | Tryon 1976 | 6 | ||||
Chuukese OC Micronesia [chk] | wumw | be put in an earth oven | 放在土爐裏 | qumun [PMP] | Goodenough and Sugita 1980 | 7 | ||||
wuumw | earth oven, oven, furnace; presentation of food to a chief | 土爐 | qumun [PMP] | Goodenough and Sugita 1980 | 8 | |||||
Gilbertese OC Kiribati [gil] | um-um | cook in ground oven | 地面烤箱烹調 | qumun [PMP] | Sabatier 1971 | 9 | ||||
umun-a | put something to cook in ground oven on hot stones | 把要煮的東西放在熱石頭上的烤箱裏 | qumun [PMP] | Sabatier 1971 | 10 | |||||
Hawaiian OC United States [haw] | umu | oven, furnace; a heap of rocks placed in the sea for small fish such as the #manini to hide in | 爐子,爐子;放在海裏的一堆石頭,用來讓像馬尼人這樣的小魚躲進 | qumun [PMP] | Pukui and Elbert 1971 | 11 | ||||
Kilivila OC Papua New Guinea [kij] | kum-kumla | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Senft 1986 | 12 | ||||
Kosraean OC Micronesia [kos] | um | earth oven; cooked food (for a wedding) | 土爐;熟食(婚禮用) | qumun [PMP] | Lee 1976 | 13 | ||||
Kwaio OC Solomon Islands [kwd] | umu | stone, oven stones; altar stones on which sacrificial pigs are cooked (not commonly used for secular oven due to sacred connotations) | qumun [PMP] | Keesing 1975 | 14 | |||||
Lakalai OC Papua New Guinea [nak] | humu | cook on the hearth by covering food with heated stones | 在爐子上用加熱過的石頭覆蓋食物做飯 | qumun [PMP] | 15 | |||||
la-humu | hearth; "earth oven" in which only hot stones, without earth, are employed | 火爐;只使用熱石頭而不使用泥土的“土爐” | qumun [PMP] | 16 | ||||||
Lakona OC | um | oven | 烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | 17 | |||||
Lau OC Solomon Islands [llu] | umu | native oven (hill word) | 土生土長的烤箱(山語) | qumun [PMP] | Fox, C. 1974 | 18 | ||||
Maori OC New Zealand [mri] | umu | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Williams 1971 | 19 | ||||
Marino OC Vanuatu [mrb] | umu | oven | 烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | Tryon 1976 | 20 | ||||
Marshallese OC Marshall Islands [mah] | um, | native oven, earth oven; bake, roast | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Abo, Bender, Capelle and deBrum 1976 | 21 | ||||
Merig OC | um | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | 22 | |||||
Mokilese OC Micronesia [mkj] | umw | to bake | 烘烤 | qumun [PMP] | Harrison and Albert 1977 | 23 | ||||
Mosina OC | um | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | 24 | |||||
Mota OC Vanuatu [mtt] | um | the native oven | 本地烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 25 | ||||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | umu | a circular fireplace of stones | 圓形的石頭壁爐 | qumun [PMP] | Fox, C. 1955 | 26 | ||||
Niue OC Niue [niu] | umu | the Polynesian stone oven; food cooked in a Polynesian oven | 波利尼西亞石制烤箱;波利尼西亞烤箱烹製的食物 | qumun [PMP] | McEwen 1970 | 27 | ||||
Nukuoro OC Micronesia [nkr] | umu | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Carroll and Soulik 1973 | 28 | ||||
Panayati OC | umun | oven | 烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | 29 | |||||
Pileni OC | umu | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | 30 | |||||
Pohnpeian OC Micronesia [pon] | uhmw | a traditional Ponapean oven made of loose stones which are heated and placed around the food to be baked | qumun [PMP] | Rehg and Sohl 1979 | 31 | |||||
umw | to bake in an #uhmw (intr.) | 在一個超高分子量(國際) | qumun [PMP] | Rehg and Sohl 1979 | 32 | |||||
Rapanui OC Chile [rap] | umu | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | 33 | |||||
Rarotongan OC Cook Islands [rar] | mu | general name for an oven | 烤箱的通用名稱 | qumun [PMP] | Savage 1980 | 34 | ||||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | ʔumu | ground oven, food cooked in the oven or saucepan | 地面烤箱,在烤箱或平底鍋中烹製的食物 | qumun [PMP] | Elbert 1975 | 35 | ||||
Sa'a OC Solomon Islands [apb] | umu | cooking oven in house, used only on great occasions; a large ring with upright stones | 家裏的烤箱,只在重大場合使用;有豎直的石頭的大環 | qumun [PMP] | Ivens 1929 | 36 | ||||
Samoan OC Samoa [smo] | umu | stone oven, consisting of a shallow cavity lined with stones on which a fire is lit and cleared away before the food is laid on the hot stones | qumun [PMP] | Milner 1966 | 37 | |||||
Seimat OC Papua New Guinea [ssg] | um | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | Blust n.d. (1975) | 38 | ||||
Sye OC | -n/um | oven | 烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | 39 | |||||
Takuu OC | umu | earth oven | 土窯 | qumun [PMP] | 40 | |||||
Tongan OC Tonga [ton] | ʔumu | native oven or fire-hole; food cooked in a native oven | 本地烤箱或火坑;用本地烤箱烹製的食物 | qumun [PMP] | Churchward 1959 | 41 | ||||
Woleaian OC Micronesia [woe] | umw | underground oven, earth oven; to cook in an earth oven | 地下烤箱 | qumun [PMP] | Sohn and Tawerilmang 1976 | 42 | ||||
Wuvulu OC | unum-ia | cook it! roast it! (imper.) | 煮吧!烤吧!(帝國) | qumun [PMP] | Blust n.d. (1975) | 43 | ||||
CMP | Fordata CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [frd] | umun | pit in the ground in which tubers are baked | 地上用來烤塊莖的坑 | qumun [PMP] | Drabbe 1932 | 44 | |||
Kei CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [kei] | umun | pit in which stones are heated to glowing and covered with leaves, then food, then more leaves, then glowing stones, and finally the whole covered over with sand to seal in the heat and allow the food to stew until tender | qumun [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 45 | |||||
WMP | Palauan WMP Palau [pau] | məŋ-úm | bake (food) in a hole in the ground | 在地上的洞裏烤(食物) | qumun [PMP] | McManus and Josephs 1977 | 46 | |||
ʔum | hole in the ground for baking | 地上烤的洞 | qumun [PMP] | McManus and Josephs 1977 | 47 |