分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 19條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
CMP | Asilulu CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [asl] | wela | to file | 歸檔 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 1 | |||
wela-t | kind of abrasive leaf used for sanding | 一種砂紙 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 2 | |||||
Manggarai CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [mqy] | pelas | a tree; its rough leaves are used to sand surfaces, and its small fruit is eaten: Ficus wassa | 一種樹;其粗糙的葉子被用來打磨表面,它的小果實被吃掉:Ficus wassa | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Verheijen 1967-70 | 3 | ||||
WMP | Balinese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [ban] | amplas | tree with hard, rough leaves which are used like sand-paper to smooth down wood | 有堅硬粗糙的葉子的樹,用作磨光木頭的砂紙 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Barber 1979 | 4 | |||
Banjarese WMP Indonesia (Kalimantan) [bjn] | hampalas | a plant, Tetracera assa; the leaves are used as sandpaper | 一種植物,四葉草,葉子用作砂紙 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Hapip 1977 | 5 | ||||
Bontok WMP Philippines [bnc] | ʔaplás | kind of shrub with edible fruit. Its rough leaves are used for smoothing wooden utensils: Ficus ulmifolia Lam. (Morac.)' | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 6 | |||||
Iban WMP Malaysia (Sarawak) [iba] | randau empelas | creeper with rough leaves used as sandpaper: Tetracera assa | 用粗糙的葉子作沙紙的爬山虎:■ | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Richards 1981 | 7 | ||||
Ifugaw WMP Philippines [ifu] | aplah | to sandpaper with a rough leaf of an #aplah tree; a tree (Moraceae Ficus odorata Blanco Merr. or F. ulmifolia Lamk.) the leaves of which are used for sandpapering | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Batad | Lambrecht 1978 | 8 | ||||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | aplāt | Ficus cumingii. Miq., Ficus odorata (Blanco) Merr., Ficus ulmifolia. Lam. Trees or shrubs with harsh leaves, that are used for scouring utensils | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 9 | |||||
Kankanaey WMP Philippines [kne] | appás | Ficus cumingii Miq., Ficus validicaudata Merr., and similar species. Shrubs with fig-shaped fruits and rough leaves; family Moraceae | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Vanoverbergh 1933 | 10 | |||||
Makassarese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mak] | ampallasaʔ | tree with broad leaves used to sand wood smooth: Ficus Ampelas | 闊葉樹,用來磨光木材:無花果 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Cense 1979 | 11 | ||||
Malagasy WMP Madagascar [mlg] | ampály | a shrub or tree, the leaves of which are used as a substitute for sand-paper: Ficus soroceoides Baker | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Richardson 1885 | 12 | |||||
Malay WMP Malaysia (Peninsular) [zlm] | (h)empelas | a plant: Tetracera assa; its leaves are used as sandpaper; to sandpaper | 一種植物:它的葉子被用作砂紙;用來做砂紙 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Wilkinson 1959 | 13 | ||||
Mongondow WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [mog] | opoḷat | tree with leaves that can be used as sandpaper: Ficus politoria | 樹葉可作沙紙的樹:榕樹 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Dunnebier 1951 | 14 | ||||
Ngaju Dayak WMP Indonesia (Kalimantan) [nij] | hampelas | generic for trees and vines the dried leaves of which are very sharp and rough, and are so used by the Dayaks to sand or polish woodwork, knife handles, etc. | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Hardeland 1859 | 15 | |||||
Sasak WMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [sas] | amplas | a plant with leaves used as sandpaper: Tetracera assa | 一種葉子用作沙紙的植物:■ | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Goris 1938 | 16 | ||||
Sundanese WMP Indonesia (Java and Bali) [sun] | (h)ampelas | tree with leaves used to sandpaper or to polish | 有葉子的樹,用來磨砂紙或磨光 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Coolsma 1930 | 17 | ||||
Tae' WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [rob] | ampallaʔ | Ficus semicordata, a type of fig tree with rough leaves used for polishing | 榕樹 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | van der Veen 1940 | 18 | ||||
Toba Batak WMP Indonesia (Sumatra) [bbc] | ampolas | leaves which are used for polishing; also an implement of iron and bamboo used for polishing | 用來拋光的葉子;也是用來拋光的鐵和竹子的工具 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Warneck 1977 | 19 |