分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 17條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Agutaynen WMP Philippines [agn] | mag-libot | to walk around; go around from place to place; to circle around an area; to make a loop around a place | libut [PWMP] | Caabay et al. 2014 | 1 | ||||
Bikol WMP Philippines [bik] | mag-líbot | walk around, rove | 四處走走,流浪 | libut [PWMP] | Mintz and Britanico 1985 | 2 | ||||
Cebuano WMP Philippines [ceb] | líbut | go, bring, put something around a place; surround | 去,帶來,在一個地方放點東西;包圍 | libut [PWMP] | Wolff 1972 | 3 | ||||
Hanunóo WMP Philippines [hnn] | líbut | around; surround | 環繞 | libut [PWMP] | Conklin 1953, Reid p.c. | 4 | ||||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | líbut | procession, parade; travelling around | 遊行 | libut [PWMP] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 5 | ||||
Kelabit WMP Malaysia (Sarawak) [kzi] | libut | circle | 圓圈 | libut [PWMP] | Blust n.d. (1971) | 6 | ||||
Lun Dayeh WMP | ŋe-libut | surround game with people and dogs | 圍著人和狗玩遊戲 | libut [PWMP] | Blust n.d. (1971) | 7 | ||||
Maranao WMP Philippines [mrw] | libot | dragnet; surround, catch | 牽引;包圍 | libut [PWMP] | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 8 | ||||
Mori WMP | mo-limbu | surround, encircle | 包圍 | libut [PWMP] | 9 | |||||
Palawano WMP | libut | go around, go in a circle, move around | 轉一圈,轉一圈,轉一圈 | libut [PWMP] | 10 | |||||
Pangasinan WMP Philippines [pag] | líbot | procession | 遊行 | libut [PWMP] | Benton 1971 | 11 | ||||
mi-líbot | to take part in a procession | 參加遊行 | libut [PWMP] | Benton 1971 | 12 | |||||
Tae' WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [rob] | libu | oblong enclosure, oval | 橢圓形外殼 | libut [PWMP] | van der Veen 1940 | 13 | ||||
Tagalog WMP Philippines [tgl] | líbot | surroundings, environment | 環境,環境 | libut [PWMP] | Panganiban 1966 | 14 | ||||
Tboli WMP Philippines [tbk] | libut | surround, around | 環繞,環繞 | libut [PWMP] | Awed, Underwood and van Wynen 2004 | 15 | ||||
Wolio WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [wlo] | libu | surround, encircle | 包圍 | libut [PWMP] | Anceaux 1987 | 16 | ||||
Yakan WMP Philippines [yka] | mag-libut | to go around, make a detour | 繞道而行 | libut [PWMP] | Behrens 2002 | 17 |