分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 7條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Bontok WMP Philippines [bnc] | ləkás | to remove some of one’s clothes; to partially undress | 脫去某人的衣服;部分脫掉衣服 | lekas₁ [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 1 | |||
Kayan WMP [bfg] | lekah | to release, let hold of; to spring, of a trap; opened up by steaming (as a boat hull) | 鬆開,抓住;打開;用蒸汽打開(如船殼) | lekas₁ [PMP] | Southwell 1980 | 2 | ||||
Maranao WMP Philippines [mrw] | lekas | undress | 脫衣服 | lekas₁ [PMP] | McKaughan and Macaraya 1967 | 3 | ||||
Tboli WMP Philippines [tbk] | lekas | to use something (as a lever) to open something up; to give something in order to obtain what one wants; to get a separation from one’s spouse | lekas₁ [PMP] | Awed, Underwood and van Wynen 2004 | 4 | |||||
Tiruray WMP Philippines [tiy] | lekas | change clothes, undress | 換衣服,脫衣服 | lekas₁ [PMP] | Schlegel 1971, Reid p.c. | 5 | ||||
CMP | Manggarai CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [mqy] | lekas | open something that is rolled up | 打開卷起來的東西 | lekas₁ [PMP] | Verheijen 1967-70 | 6 | |||
Ngadha CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [nxg] | leka | open up, unfold, loosen, untie; undress | 打開,展開,鬆開,解開;脫衣服 | lekas₁ [PMP] | Arndt 1961 | 7 |