分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 23條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Bontok WMP Philippines [bnc] | maŋ-íli | stranger, foreigner; someone from another village | 陌生人,外國人;來自另一個村莊的人 | hili [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 1 | |||
ʔíli | village; town | 村莊;城鎮 | hili [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 2 | |||||
Ibaloy WMP Philippines [ibl] | ili | town; sometimes esp. the municipio town center as opposed to the barrios/barangays; (also any geopolitical unit, as province or country, e.g. #ili ni hapon ‘the country of the Japanese’) | hili [PMP] | Ballard 2011 | 3 | |||||
Ifugaw WMP Philippines [ifu] | íli | village not one's own; foreign village | 非自己的村莊;外國村莊 | hili [PMP] | Lambrecht 1978 | 4 | ||||
um-ili | to visit, enter a village not one's own | 去拜訪,進入一個不屬於自己的村莊 | hili [PMP] | Lambrecht 1978 | 5 | |||||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | íli | town | 鎮 | hili [PMP] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 6 | ||||
maŋ-íli | to visit another town | 去另一個城鎮 | hili [PMP] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 7 | |||||
um-ili | to live, reside in a town; inhabitants, citizens, residents | 居住在一個城鎮;居民,市民,居民 | hili [PMP] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 8 | |||||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | eliy-an | neighbor, fellow citizen | 鄰居,同胞 | hili [PMP] | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 9 | ||||
íli | village, town, country; birthplace, residence | 村莊、城鎮、鄉村;出生地、居住地 | hili [PMP] | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 10 | |||||
Itawis WMP Philippines [itv] | ilí | town | 鎮 | hili [PMP] | Tharp and Natividad 1976 | 11 | ||||
Itbayaten WMP Philippines [ivv] | hili | town proper, habitual living place; point of departure | 城鎮特有的習慣性居住場所;出發地 | hili [PMP] | Yamada 1976 | 12 | ||||
Kankanaey WMP Philippines [kne] | íli | town, city, village, hamlet, borough; country, fatherland, any person living outside of one's village | hili [PMP] | Vanoverbergh 1933 | 13 | |||||
Yami WMP Taiwan [tao] | ili | village | 村莊 | hili [PMP] | Rau, Dong, et al. 2012, Tsuchida 1987 | 14 | ||||
i-paŋ-ilili | used to visiting other villages | 習慣於去其他村莊 | hili [PMP] | Rau, Dong, et al. 2012, Tsuchida 1987 | 15 | |||||
ka-ili-an | villagers | 村民 | hili [PMP] | Rau, Dong, et al. 2012, Tsuchida 1987 | 16 | |||||
mi-ili | the village one lives in | 一個居住的村莊 | hili [PMP] | Rau, Dong, et al. 2012, Tsuchida 1987 | 17 | |||||
CMP | Erai CMP Indonesia (Papua) [ert] | ili-hun | skirt of the village | 村莊的裙子 | hili [PMP] | Josselin de Jong 1947 | 18 | |||
ili-(n) | village | 村莊 | hili [PMP] | Josselin de Jong 1947 | 19 | |||||
ili-ralan | village population | 農村人口 | hili [PMP] | Josselin de Jong 1947 | 20 | |||||
la ili eha | in another village | 在另一個村子裏 | hili [PMP] | Josselin de Jong 1947 | 21 | |||||
Talur CMP | ili | village | 村莊 | hili [PMP] | Taber 1993 | 22 | ||||
Tugun CMP | ili | village | 村莊 | hili [PMP] | Taber 1993 | 23 |