分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 36條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | 'Āre'āre OC Solomon Islands [alu] | puri | cowrie (shellfish), the shell being used as sinkers for fishnets | 貝殼,用作魚網沉頭的貝殼 | buliq₁ [POC] | Geerts 1970 | 1 | |||
tara ni puri | string of white cowrie shells around the neck or on the forehead | 頸部或前額有一串白色的貝殼 | buliq₁ [POC] | Geerts 1970 | 2 | |||||
Arosi OC Solomon Islands [aia] | buri | cowrie; the #buri has a sacred character and should only properly be worn by chiefs. Cowries were placed with dead chiefs | buliq₁ [POC] | Fox, C. 1970 | 3 | |||||
Cheke Holo OC Solomon Islands [mrn] | buli | cowrie shell | 子安貝 | buliq₁ [POC] | White 1985 | 4 | ||||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | buli | the cowrie shell: Cypraeidae | 鯉殼:鯉科 | buliq₁ [POC] | Capell 1968 | 5 | ||||
buli-ta | to adorn with cowries, as a house -- the prerogative of chiefs | 用牛郎裝潢,如房子--酋長的特權 | buliq₁ [POC] | Capell 1968 | 6 | |||||
taba buli | a cowrie necklace | 牛仔項鍊 | buliq₁ [POC] | Capell 1968 | 7 | |||||
Gedaged OC Papua New Guinea [gdd] | bul | a white shelled mollusk (Ovula ovum) used as an ornament, a medium of exchange, and in divination | buliq₁ [POC] | Mager 1952 | 8 | |||||
Kwaio OC Solomon Islands [kwd] | buli | white cowrie variety, used as ornament | 白色牛仔品種,用作裝飾品 | buliq₁ [POC] | Keesing 1975 | 9 | ||||
Lau OC Solomon Islands [llu] | buli | white cowrie, Ovula ovulum, ornament for canoes and men | 白色牛蒡,胚珠,獨木舟和男士裝飾品 | buliq₁ [POC] | Fox, C. 1974 | 10 | ||||
Maori OC New Zealand [mri] | pure | bivalve mollusks: Notovola novaezelandiae and other Pectinidae | 雙殼軟體動物:新鰓足類和其他果膠科 | buliq₁ [POC] | Williams 1971 | 11 | ||||
pure | arrange in tufts or patches | 成簇或成片排列 | buliq₁ [POC] | Williams 1971 | 12 | |||||
pure-pure | in patches or tufts, spotted; contagious disease which causes spots on the skin | 斑片狀或叢生的,有斑點的;在皮膚上引起斑點的傳染病 | buliq₁ [POC] | Williams 1971 | 13 | |||||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | mbuli | generic for all cowries | 通用於所有cowries | buliq₁ [POC] | Fox, C. 1955 | 14 | ||||
Niue OC Niue [niu] | pule | cowrie shell | 子安貝 | buliq₁ [POC] | McEwen 1970 | 15 | ||||
pule-oto | cowrie shell; vagina | 陰道 | buliq₁ [POC] | McEwen 1970 | 16 | |||||
pule-pule | stiped, variegated, spotted | 斑點,雜色,斑點 | buliq₁ [POC] | McEwen 1970 | 17 | |||||
pule-tua | cowrie shell used as octopus lure | 用作章魚誘餌的貝殼 | buliq₁ [POC] | McEwen 1970 | 18 | |||||
Nukuoro OC Micronesia [nkr] | bule | cowrie shell, many species | 貝殼,很多種類 | buliq₁ [POC] | Carroll and Soulik 1973 | 19 | ||||
Pohnpeian OC Micronesia [pon] | pwili | cowrie, any species of sea shell | 寇裏,任何種類的海貝 | buliq₁ [POC] | Rehg and Sohl 1979 | 20 | ||||
Puluwat OC Micronesia [puw] | pwiil | cowrie shell scraper, as for green breadfruit | 綠色麵包果用刮殼機 | buliq₁ [POC] | Elbert 1972 | 21 | ||||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | puge | cowries, including American and Indo-Pacific ones; spotted, dotted, or checkered, esp. with large multi-colored spots | buliq₁ [POC] | Elbert 1975 | 22 | |||||
Sa'a OC Solomon Islands [apb] | puli | cowrie shell, used as sinkers for nets | 網用沉子 | buliq₁ [POC] | Ivens 1929 | 23 | ||||
Samoan OC Samoa [smo] | pule | molluscs belonging to the genera Cypraea (cowries) and Ovulum. Cowrie shells are used as sinkers and for making squid lures. Ovulum shells were once widely used for the decoration of bonito canoes | buliq₁ [POC] | Milner 1966 | 24 | |||||
Tongan OC Tonga [ton] | pule | kind of shellfish, the cowrie; be marked with spots or colored patterns | 貝類;有斑點或彩色圖案 | buliq₁ [POC] | Churchward 1959 | 25 | ||||
Tuvaluan OC | pule | shellfish sp.: Pila conica | 貝類:圓錐形菌毛 | buliq₁ [POC] | 26 | |||||
Woleaian OC Micronesia [woe] | u-bili | white shell, cowry | 白殼,考瑞 | buliq₁ [POC] | Sohn and Tawerilmang 1976 | 27 | ||||
Yapese OC Micronesia [yap] | wul | type of shell, large cowrie | 外殼類型,大罩 | buliq₁ [POC] | Jensen 1977 | 28 | ||||
WMP | Bontok WMP Philippines [bnc] | bulí | lead (metal) | 鉛(金屬) | buliq₁ [PMP] | Reid 1976, Reid p.c. | 29 | |||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | bulí | lead; wharve, whorl; sinker (any of the pieces of lead or balls of earthenware that are attached to one of the sides of several kinds of fishing nets) | buliq₁ [PMP] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 30 | |||||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | bulí | lead; lead sinker of a fishing net | 鉛;漁網的鉛沉降器 | buliq₁ [PMP] | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 31 | ||||
Palauan WMP Palau [pau] | búiʔ | cowrie shell: Cypraea mauritiana | 寇裏貝殼:茅利塔尼亞鯉魚 | buliq₁ [PMP] | McManus and Josephs 1977 | 32 | ||||
CMP | Fordata CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [frd] | vuli | porcelain shell, egg cowrie | 蛋殼 | buliq₁ [PMP] | Drabbe 1932 | 33 | |||
Ngadha CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [nxg] | vuli | large cowrie shell used for war necklaces; the necklace itself | 用於戰爭項鍊的大貝殼;項鍊本身 | buliq₁ [PMP] | Arndt 1961 | 34 | ||||
Rotinese CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [bpz] | fuli | kind of shell; shells or bits of lead used as sinkers for a fishnet | 一種貝殼;用作魚網沉頭的貝殼或鉛屑 | buliq₁ [PMP] | Jonker 1908 | 35 | ||||
Yamdena CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [jmd] | fuli | kind of shellfish | 貝類 | buliq₁ [PMP] | Drabbe 1932b | 36 |