分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 56條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Anuta OC Solomon Islands [aud] | puku | protuberance; erection of penis | 陰莖勃起 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Feinberg 1977 | 1 | ||
Bugotu OC Solomon Islands [bgt] | puku | a swelling from a blow; lump, knot, tumor | 因打擊而腫脹;腫塊、結、瘤 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Ivens 1940 | 2 | |||
Eddystone/Mandegusu OC Solomon Islands [sbb] | puku | knot, piece of string with knots used to count the nights after the death of a person | 結,用來計算人死後的夜數的帶結的繩子 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lanyon-Orgill 1969 | 3 | |||
Fijian OC Fiji [fij] | buku | the raised end of a thing, as of shell, and hence in some dialects the tail; the word applies really to anything knotted and humped; tie a knot, fasten two things together | buku [POC] | bukuh | Capell 1968 | 4 | ||||
buku liŋa | clasp the hands to carry one ashore from a canoe | 雙手合十,從獨木舟上岸 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Capell 1968 | 5 | ||||
buku ni kai | hinge of a bivalve | 雙殼動物的鉸鏈 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Capell 1968 | 6 | ||||
i buku | a knot | 結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Capell 1968 | 7 | ||||
i buku cori | slip knot | 滑結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Capell 1968 | 8 | ||||
i buku dina | reef knot | 礁結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Capell 1968 | 9 | ||||
Gedaged OC Papua New Guinea [gdd] | buku-n | knot on the stem of a tree, or a knot tied in a cord; knob; tumor, hemorrhoids | 樹幹上的結,或系在繩子上的結;鈕扣;腫瘤,痔瘡 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Mager 1952 | 10 | |||
buku-n-bakan | knotty, gnarled, knotted | 多節的,多節的,多節的 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Mager 1952 | 11 | ||||
Gilbertese OC Kiribati [gil] | buki-narora | reef jutting out at end of land | 在陸地盡頭突出的礁石 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Sabatier 1971 | 12 | |||
buki-ni-bai | elbow | 肘部 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Sabatier 1971 | 13 | ||||
buki-ni-wae | heel | 腳後跟 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Sabatier 1971 | 14 | ||||
Hawaiian OC United States [haw] | hoʔo-puʔu | to heap up, collect in heaps | 堆積如山 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Pukui and Elbert 1971 | 15 | |||
puʔu | any kind of protuberance, from a pimple to a hill; hill, peak, mound, bulge, heap, bulk, mass, quantity, clot, bunch, knob; heaped, piled, lumped, bulging; pregnant; any of various round parts or protuberances of the body, as pimple, wart, mole, callus, lump, stomach, fist, knuckle, ankle joint; gizzard, as of chickens; hard stomach, as of some fish; head, as of cabbage or lettuce; form a head, to head, sprout; fancy knot, as in #kōkō net; hinge of pearl oyster | buku [POC] | bukuh | Pukui and Elbert 1971 | 16 | |||||
Kapingamarangi OC Micronesia [kpg] | bugu | to bulge; a bulge; joints of ankle, wrist, fingers and toes | 凸出;凸出;腳踝、手腕、手指和腳趾的關節 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lieber and Dikepa 1974 | 17 | |||
bugu laŋa | portion of chant | 聖歌部分 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lieber and Dikepa 1974 | 18 | ||||
bugu madila | joint of bamboo | 竹節 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lieber and Dikepa 1974 | 19 | ||||
Kosraean OC Micronesia [kos] | fuku-ne | ankle | 踝關節 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lee 1976 | 20 | |||
puku-n | area between two nodes, joints or knots | 兩個節點、關節或節點之間的區域 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lee 1976 | 21 | ||||
puku-n ne | shank, shin | 小腿,小腿 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Lee 1976 | 22 | ||||
Lakalai OC Papua New Guinea [nak] | la bu-buku | knot in a tree | 結在樹上 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 23 | ||||
Manam OC Papua New Guinea [mva] | buku | mountain; knuckle | 山;關節 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Böhm 1975 | 24 | |||
Maori OC New Zealand [mri] | puku | swelling, tumor, knob; head of seed, cob of corn, etc.; swell | 腫脹、腫瘤、結節;種子、玉米芯等;腫脹 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Williams 1971 | 25 | |||
Mbula OC Papua New Guinea [mna] | mbuku | knob, joint, hump | 旋鈕,接頭,凸起 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Bugenhagen and Bugenhagen 2007 | 26 | |||
Mota OC Vanuatu [mtt] | pugiu | hip joint | 髖關節 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Codrington and Palmer 1896 | 27 | |||
Nggela OC Solomon Islands [nlg] | puku | a knot | 結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Fox, C. 1955 | 28 | |||
vari-puku | tie a knot | 打個結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Fox, C. 1955 | 29 | ||||
Nukuoro OC Micronesia [nkr] | bugu | Mon veneris | 我的性病 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Carroll and Soulik 1973 | 30 | |||
Rennellese OC Solomon Islands [mnv] | puku | knot, as in a tree | 結,如樹上的結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Elbert 1975 | 31 | |||
Roviana OC Solomon Islands [rug] | puku | to tie or knot | 打結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Waterhouse 1949 | 32 | |||
puku-na | a knot | 結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Waterhouse 1949 | 33 | ||||
Tolai OC | buk | boil, ulcer, abscess; hence any lump, corner, point, knob, etc. | 癤子、潰瘍、膿腫;囙此有腫塊、角、點、旋鈕等。 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 34 | ||||
bukbuk | to swell out, esp. in a rude sense of the breasts | 膨脹膨脹膨脹,尤指在粗魯的感覺下 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 35 | |||||
buk na kau-na | heel; knee (rare) | 後跟;膝蓋(罕見) | buku [POC] | bukuh | 36 | |||||
buk na lima-na | elbow | 肘部 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 37 | |||||
buku-na | hump | 駝峰 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 38 | |||||
Tuvaluan OC | faka-puku-puku | large sweet dumpling | 大甜餃子 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 39 | ||||
puku-puku | spheroid | 球體 | buku [POC] | bukuh | 40 | |||||
Yapese OC Micronesia [yap] | bugu-lii qaay | his toe | 他的腳趾 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Jensen 1977 | 41 | |||
lee-bug, lii-bug | sections in bamboo, knots in rope | 竹節,繩結 | buku [POC] | bukuh | Jensen 1977 | 42 | ||||
CMP | Asilulu CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [asl] | huku | a bump; to bulge (something hidden in clothes, something deep inside); become swollen | 隆起;隆起(隱藏在衣服裏的東西,裏面的東西);腫脹 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Collins n.d. | 43 | ||
Leti CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [lti] | mat-ne wuk-nu | eyebrow | 眉毛 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Jonker 1932 | 44 | |||
wuku | knot, knob, node, joint | 結,旋鈕,節點,關節 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Jonker 1932 | 45 | ||||
Moa CMP | ag-e wuk-ni | knot in wood | 木節 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | 46 | ||||
Ngadha CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [nxg] | buku | protuberance, hump, knot, node (as in bamboo), joint, knuckle (as of the fingers); tie in knots | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Arndt 1961 | 47 | ||||
buku ladza | vulva, mons veneris | 外陰,性病先生 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Arndt 1961 | 48 | ||||
Rotinese CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [bpz] | buku | sprout out, get new shoots, as cuttings of plants | 發芽,長出新芽,作為插枝 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Jonker 1908 | 49 | |||
Soboyo CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [tiv] | fuku-ñ | node, joint, as in bamboo, rattan, etc. | 節,節,節,如竹子、藤等的節。 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Fortgens 1921 | 50 | |||
Sula CMP | foku | node in bamboo or sugarcane | 竹節或甘蔗節 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | 51 | ||||
Tetun CMP Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [tet] | au fuku-n | knot or internode of bamboo | 竹節 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Morris 1984 | 52 | |||
fuku-n | knot (of trees, ropes, etc.); knuckle, joint (of limbs) | (指樹木、繩子等)結;指關節、關節(指四肢) | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Morris 1984 | 53 | ||||
isi-n fuku-n | joints in general | 一般關節 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Morris 1984 | 54 | ||||
mata-n fuku-n | eyebrow | 眉毛 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Morris 1984 | 55 | ||||
tais fuku-n | a seam in cloth | 布縫 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Morris 1984 | 56 |