分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 8條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Ibaloy WMP Philippines [ibl] | bayog | a variety of bamboo --- tough, small bore; it is desirable commercially for many things | 一種竹子,堅韌,小口徑,在商業上有許多用途 | bayug [PPH] | Ballard 2011 | 1 | |||
Ifugaw WMP Philippines [ifu] | bayúg | an unarmed climbing bamboo with thick walls; it is chiefly used for flooring and binding purposes | 厚壁的徒手攀援竹;主要用於地板和捆綁 | bayug [PPH] | Lambrecht 1978 | 2 | ||||
Ilokano WMP Philippines [ilo] | bayóg | bamboo used for flooring; rattan strip used for tying | 用於地板的竹子.用於捆綁的藤條 | bayug [PPH] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 3 | ||||
na-bayóg | a tall and slender bamboo | 細長的竹子 | bayug [PPH] | Rubino 2000, Carro 1956 | 4 | |||||
Isneg WMP Philippines [isd] | bayúg | k.o. unarmed pendulous bamboo; strips of this bamboo are used for binding purposes | k、手無寸鐵的垂竹;這種竹條用於捆綁 | bayug [PPH] | Vanoverbergh 1972 | 5 | ||||
Itawis WMP Philippines [itv] | bayúg | bamboo species having thick stems | 有粗莖的竹子 | bayug [PPH] | Tharp and Natividad 1976 | 6 | ||||
Tboli WMP Philippines [tbk] | bayug | k.o. small bamboo used for tying and building houses | k、o.用於捆綁和建造房屋的小竹子 | bayug [PPH] | Awed, Underwood and van Wynen 2004 | 7 | ||||
Tiruray WMP Philippines [tiy] | bayug rebuk | k.o. bamboo: Dendrocalamus merrillianus (Elm.) Elm. | k、竹子:美林竹(榆樹)榆樹。 | bayug [PPH] | Schlegel 1971, Reid p.c. | 8 |