分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 6條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Ayta Abellan WMP | yawed | betel leaf (for chewing preparation) | 檳榔葉(咀嚼用) | Rawed [PWMP] | 1 | ||||
Balangaw WMP Philippines [blw] | lawɨ'd | betel leaf | 檳榔葉 | Rawed [PWMP] | Reid 1971 | 2 | ||||
Casiguran Dumagat WMP Philippines [dgc] | gawed | a vine, the #ikmo, or betel pepper, Piper betel (this leaf is used extensively for chewing with the betel nut; it is also believed to have medicinal value) | Rawed [PWMP] | Headland and Headland 1974 | 3 | |||||
Kalagan WMP Philippines [kqe] | lawód | betel leaf | 檳榔葉 | Rawed [PWMP] | Reid 1971 | 4 | ||||
Kenyah WMP [sib] | auat (= awət) | betel pepper | 檳榔椒 | Rawed [PWMP] | Galvin 1967 | 5 | ||||
Pangasinan WMP Philippines [pag] | lawér | pepper leaf used for wrapping betel | 包檳榔用的胡椒葉 | Rawed [PWMP] | Benton 1971 | 6 |